Waldhaus - Luxury Chalet in Styria - Austria

Exklusive Alpine Hideaway in the Seckauer Alps

Chalets are a dime a dozen, chalet villages twice as much .... We want to show you, why BienenAlm is the particular


Secluded Location 1000m above sea level

ABSOLUTE ALLEINLAGE    - auf 1000m -   Traumhafter Ausblick auf die umliegenden Berggipfel

Ruhe inmitten eines intakten Naturschutzgebietes  - der Name "Waldhaus" kommt nicht von ungefähr .... 

Mehr Worte braucht es wohl nicht mehr ... oder?

The pool

InfinityPool - outstanding

 warm water - all the year- at any time - only for you

Infinitypool - underwater music- chromotherapy

Lates computer- and dosing technique for a perfect hygienic natural water

The little gnom service

Service at the highest level

You can decide to remain totally separate and enjoy the tranquillity of nature in the Sekauer mountains, or you can avail yourself any time of our first class service with personal attention.

We can help you to organice your holidays, provide you with excellent creativ food from our own farm, and are always available with personal tips and advice only a WhatsApp next to you.

The chalet

Alpine Lifestyle  - rustic modern

Fell good - catchword? ... not at the BienenAlm
Experience an inviting, cosy Alpine atmosphere and luxurious furnishings of the highest standard over 3 floors. Spend relaxing holidays with up to 11 people in our luxury chalet in Styria Austria.


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